Is this the bottom?

In a recent blog we discussed the importance of having a hedging strategy.  It’s a way to protect your portfolio, and protection is often just as important as appreciation.

Since February 21st, we have seen a significant stock market crash, with the S&P 500  dropping 35% from the high, blindsiding most investors.

Fortunately for subscribers to our Trend Technical Trader (TTT) service, they were presented with several effective hedging strategies that were simple to follow and easy to implement.  The results allowed subscribers to not only protect their capital in this bear market, but to actually make some significant gains.

Some examples:

An Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) that trades on volatility: +29.5% in 3 days

A 2nd position in that same ETF: +48.5% in 1 month

A leveraged Bear Small Cap ETF: +47.2% in 1 month

A leveraged Short DJIA ETF: + 61.5% in 2.5 weeks

A leveraged Bear Jr Miner Gold ETF:  +86.5% in less than a week

The question now is, ‘what next?’ As we can see from this chart, after the significant decline, the S&P 500 is in a near-term uptrend channel. Is this the start of a new bull market, or a dead-cat bounce?

The headlines are full of talking heads predicting everything from ‘back up the truck’, to ‘it’s a bear trap.’  If we look at other major bear markets one thing is clear, they all end eventually. But typically they only end after it is no longer the lead story in the mainstream media.

Typically markets only bottom out once people have moved on, not when investors are buying every dip.  If you followed a hedging strategy during the big crash, and are now in a strong cash position, you need to have a strategy for when to get back in, just like you needed to have a strategy for the decline.

After the big crash we saw a lot of ‘bottom picking,’ buying, which suggests that there is still too much optimism in the markets.  There is a real FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) sentiment in the markets, which suggests that a re-test of the low, or even lower lows, could be in the cards.

These are crazy times.  We have a global pandemic, with fear and panic running rampant.  We have central banks and governments turning on the fire hoses, pumping out $trillions into monetary and fiscal stimulus programs.

While we can’t know exactly how things will play out, we will follow our models to get a better idea of when to get back in.  Our TTT service has been actively making very short-term, and even a few long-term trades already, positioning for when we get the full green light to buy back in.

Here is Monday’s commentary from TTT:

DJIA started the week with a gain of 690 points.

While earlier this year that would’ve made for a truly remarkable day, instead it was the calmest trading day in many weeks.

It’s likely this current rally is very near its end, and we expect many more stellar entry levels during the next major leg downward.

When stocks drop significantly again, we’ll suggest lowball bids for additional positions, focusing on the resource sector and specifically oil.

The overwhelming bearish sentiment and predictions on oil at present has us ready and eager to buy.  We made absolute killings in oil-related stocks the last time prices crashed and the world turned ultra-bearish.  We expect this time won’t be different, and once again we’ll be focusing on a variety of companies and related funds, some paying considerable yields.

In contrast beware of the extreme hype currently with respect to gold and silver.  Such extreme sentiment along with stories of shortage and conspiracies about price suppression tend to attend a top.  We’ll load up on quality mining stocks and speculations related to precious metals if there’s another major liquidation soon.

If interested in subscribing to TTT at a special rate of $399.95, click here.

Stay tuned!

Is it ALL Disruptive?

Is it ALL Disruptive?

We have never been through times like these, as the novel corona virus (COVID-19) ravages populations and economies across the globe. Globally, the disease continues to spread, although it looks like China has gotten past their peak.  What many would view as draconian measures seem to be what it took for China to get past being the epicenter of the pandemic. The rest of the world has not reached the peak, so there is no end in sight for us in the Western world. There are many strategies, rules, policies, and protocols enacted to “flatten the peak” and each day, each hour, these rules get more stringent. We must escalate the fight to stop the spread of Covid-19 and return our lives to something we can call normal and cope with more easily.

The mission of TREND DISRUPTORS is to explore and monitor scientific and technical developments, looking for the brightest ideas; those that have the potential to “disrupt” a market sector. We publish relevant investment recommendations for our subscribers and publish blog articles discussing many new technology developments. To date we have focused on technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Augmented Reality (AR), Quantum Computing, 5G, Blockchain, Autonomous vehicles, and Virtual Reality (VR). In the investment world today there is mostly chaos, with the DOW-JONES and S&P indexes tumbling into recession territory. As investors looking for “disruptive” opportunities we will seek out companies using technology to be useful and profitable in the new reality of this global pandemic. So, here are some general ideas that could lead to profitable investments, but as with all disruptors, these ideas are speculative and we advise caution and restraint.

Home Delivery: We all still need food and many other items, so in this time of isolation we will more than ever need items brought to us.  We can’t easily go out to stores, and we can’t eat in restaurants, or drink in our favourite establishments. There are companies that use technology in very innovative ways to bring us what we need, in a way that preserves social distancing and isolation. Consider the many companies that are participants in all facets of home delivery services.

Home Entertainment: Many of us are self-isolating in our homes and we need to have our sources of entertainment. Live sports on TV are just about all postponed, and children need to have alternative sources for education and entertainment. Streaming services and social media can offer a wide range of choices, such as learning programs for all ages, video gaming, and other traditional entertainment like movies and TV shows. Digital networks are becoming overburdened and 5G technology should offer a good solution. Consider all the companies that offer streaming services and social networking, as well as those providing 5G networks for increased performance.

Video Contact: Individuals and businesses need personal contact, but traditional forms such as meetings and family dinners are off the table. The technologies for video meetings and conferences are already with us and are being improved at a rapid pace. Video chatting with friends and family is also with us now, and is very important, especially for individuals self-isolating all alone. Consider all those technology companies that provide these services and are working to develop improvements. Again, 5G implementations should help to speed up these services.

Bio-medical Innovation: Perhaps the most pressing need right now is for the multitude of supplies and equipment required to deal with those who are sick. Also needed is the development and approval of new drugs to provide a cure for COVID-19 and provide a vaccination for ongoing immunity. Consider the companies that are at the forefront of new drug development, and those companies that are ramping up or retooling to produce the much needed supplies and equipment.

The other critical resource to consider is all the workers who are on the front line of our health care services. They need our support and the support of government at all levels.  Without these workers, and all the others who contribute to a solution, we would be in far worse shape – our present and our future would be a lot grimmer. We are all in this together as we continue to strive for good physical health and good financial health.

Trend Disruptors is monitoring new scientific developments and technologies, and will identify relevant investment opportunities, leading the well informed investor towards a healthy and prosperous future.  TD Premium subscribers can expect some new recommendation out in the next week or so.

Stay tuned …




Market Notes

Bond crisis near!

Our BUY Stop was triggered today for a new trade in the bond market. We suggested this trade because our models have been detecting some abnormalities in the markets. For a few years we have warned of a coming global credit and liquidity crisis. We are now moving deeper into this crisis.

Europe and Japan have destroyed their bond markets by introducing negative rates.  For quite a while we have said that capital from Europe would escape the Euro and European bonds and move into the $US and US bonds. To play that trend we used an Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) to short the Euro, and another leverage ETF to be long the US bonds. Both trades have done extremely well.

What we are seeing now is a huge capital flow into the $US, here is the chart.

But as we can see during today’s’ drop in the equity markets, the bond market was also down, pushing yields higher. This is a nightmare for the central banks.

We have stated all along that there was going to come a point where the curtain is pulled back and the masses start to realize that those in government have lost control of the economy and have no idea how to solve this current financial crisis.

This is a problem that has been growing for the last decade when central banks started to interfere in the markets with their enormous stimulus programs, all the way to where we are now, with zero, and even negative rates. They have used up all their ammunition and the recession is not even here yet. Yes, the coronavirus certainly accelerated the problem, but this liquidity crisis has been looming for some time.

In Europe they have banned shorting of government bonds. When they make those kind of moves it tells the markets there is something very seriously wrong with Euro bonds, so investors move out of them. But today, they did not move into US bonds during this sell-off. This could be the start of serious trouble in the bond markets.

We are hearing of plans to force a ‘banking holiday’ in Europe as they are now worried there will be runs on the banks. This is getting ugly.

Our new trade is a long-term play on our theme that central banks have been artificially keeping interest rates down with all of their stimulus programs and bond purchases. It is like they have been trying to push a beach ball further and further under water. At some point they will lose control of the beach ball and it will shoot up. It looks like this is now starting to happen in the bond market.

It really is starting to look like the markets are losing confidence in government and if they abandon government bonds, watch out!  We believe this new trade will eventually be a monster gain.

If you wish to see the details of this trade and other strategies from the Trend Letter, you can subscribe at a $200 discount.  Click here to subscribe for only $399.95

Stay tuned!

Market Notes

Market update – March 16/20

Wall Street suffered its biggest drop since 1987 on Monday, with the S&P 500 closing at its lowest level since December 2018, as investors fear the coronavirus pandemic is proving a tougher opponent than central banks, lawmakers or the White House are currently capable of battling.

US – S&P 500

The S&P 500 dropped another 324.89 points, the biggest single day drop since 1987.

Canada – TSX

The Canadina market dropped ~10% today, and is now done 31% from the February high.

Germany – DAX

The German DAX Index is now down over 38% since February. Note a the bottom of the chart, the Relative Strength Index is at 10.47, an incredibly low reading. telling us this market is extremely oversold.

US Dollar

Global capital has been flowing into the $US, seeking a safe-haven.

Canadian Dollar

Canadian dollar drops to its lowest level in over 4 years. Being a commodity based currency, the fears of a global recession have hit commodity prices hard.


The Euro caught a bit of a bid today after falling off its recent high.

Japanese Yen

Very similar story for the Yen.


Gold has not played the role of a safe-haven because when hedge funds started to lose money in the equities they have been forced to sell EVERYTHING to cover losses and margin calls. Gold is starting to get oversold here.


The price of oil continues to fall as the coronavirus lockdown continues, pushing the global economy ever closer to a recession.

Stay tuned!

Social distancing: What it is and why it’s the best tool we have to fight the coronavirus

By Thomas Perls, Professor of Medicine, Boston University

As the coronavirus spreads into more and more communities, public health officials are placing responsibility on individuals to help slow the pandemic. Social distancing is the way to do it. 

What is social distancing?

Social distancing is a tool public health officials recommend to slow the spread of a disease that is being passed from person to person. Simply put, it means that people stay far enough away from each other so that the coronavirus – or any pathogen – cannot spread from one person to another.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention describes social distancing as staying away from mass gatherings and keeping a distance of 6 feet or 2 meters – about one body length – away from other people. In New York City, for example, theaters have closed temporarily, many conventions around the world are being canceled and schools are closing all across the U.S. I’ve stopped taking the train during rush hour. Now I either work from home or drive in with my wife, or I take the train during off-hours so I can maintain the 6-foot distance.

Social distancing also means not touching other people, and that includes handshakes. Physical touch is the most likely way a person will catch the coronavirus and the easiest way to spread it. Remember, keep that 6-foot distance and don’t touch.

Social distancing can never prevent 100% of transmissions, but by following these simple rules, individuals can play a critical role in slowing the spread of the coronavirus. If the number of cases isn’t kept below what the health care system can handle at any one time – called flattening the curve – hospitals could become overwhelmed, leading to unnecessary deaths and suffering.

Flattening the curve is another way of saying slowing the spread.

There are a few other terms besides social distancing that you are likely to hear. One is “self-quarantine.” This means staying put, isolating yourself from others because there is a reasonable possibility you have been exposed to someone with the virus.

Another is “mandatory quarantine.” A mandatory quarantine occurs when government authorities indicate that a person must stay in one place, for instance their home or a facility, for 14 days. Mandatory quarantines can be ordered for people who test negative for the virus, but have likely been exposed. Officials have imposed mandatory quarantines in the U.S. for people on cruise ships and those traveling from Hubei province, China.

Why does social distancing work?

If done correctly and on a large scale, social distancing breaks or slows the chain of transmission from person to person. People can spread the coronavirus for at least five days before they show symptoms. Social distancing limits the number of people an infected person comes into contact with – and potentially spreads the virus to – before they even realize they have the coronavirus.

It’s very important to take a possibility of exposure seriously and quarantine yourself. According to recently published research, self-quarantine should last 14 days to cover the period of time during which a person could reasonably present with symptoms of COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus. If after two weeks they still don’t have symptoms, then it’s reasonable to end the quarantine. Shorter quarantine periods could happen for asymptomatic people as tests to rule out the virus become widely available.

Empty stadiums, canceled conferences and deserted city streets are a sign social distancing is happening. AP Photo/Michael Conroy

Why is social distancing so crucial?

At the moment, it’s the only tool available to fight the spread of the coronavirus.

Experts estimate that a vaccine is 12 to 18 months away. For now, there are no drugs available that can slow down a coronavirus infection.

Without a way to make people better once they fall sick or make them less contiguous, the only effective tactic is making sure hospital-level care is available to those who need it. The way to do that is to slow or stop the spread of the virus and decrease the number of cases at any one time.

Who should do it?

Everyone must practice social distancing in order to prevent a tidal wave of cases. I am a geriatrician who cares for the most vulnerable people: frail older adults. Certainly, such individuals should be doing all they can to protect themselves, diligently practicing social distancing and significantly changing their public ways until this pandemic blows over. People who are not frail need to do all they can to protect those who are, by helping to minimize their exposure to COVID-19.

If the public as a whole takes social distancing seriously, overwhelming the medical system could be avoided. Much of how the coronavirus pandemic unfolds in the U.S. will come down to individuals’ choices.

Market Notes

Market update – March 11/20

This market environment was primed for the kind of volatility that we are experiencing, and the coronavirus just gave it an excuse. Wave after wave of negative news flooded the markets today.  First we hear that the CV-19 virus continues to explode outside of China, especially in Italy, where the country is now in a lock-down.  The World Health Organization (WHO ) has declared CV-19 a pandemic, as the virus has spread to 114 countries and claimed 4,000 lives.  And then we had German Chancellor Merkel warn that 70%, or 58 million Germans could contract the virus.  It was all too much for the markets.

Update: NBA suspends season due to players testing positive.


The VIX Volatility Index closed today at its highest level since the 2008 Financial crisis.


The CNN Fear & Greed index is now at an ‘extreme fear’ reading of just 4.

US – S&P 500 

The S&P 500 lost  another 140 points, or almost 5% today, closing at 2741, just under the Monday low.  This support level is very key as a break below here opens the door for a much deeper correction. Watch for a potential low on Thursday, but understand that if  we do get a low, the bounce will likely only be for a few days.

Canada – TSX

The Canadian market closed to day lower than Monday’s close. Weak oil, and gold prices were big factors. On the bottom of the chart we can see that the Relative Strength Index (RSI) is at 22.47, which is technically oversold.

Germany – Dax

The German Dax index is now down over 24% from its February highs. It’s RSI reading is down to just 15.52, extremely oversold.

Japan – Nikkei

The Japanese Nikkei Index is now down 19.30% from its January high.  RSI at 20.48 indicates this market is also oversold.

China – Shanghai Index

On a more positive front, according to UBS, China appears to have “passed its worst,” citing a decline in the number of reported infections in the country. The Chinese economy could be the first in the world to get back on track as production activity has started coming back to the Chinese economy. The Shanghai index is outperforming all other markets.

US dollar

Capital started to flow back into the $US after we saw foreign investors sell US stocks and take currency home.  We expect the $US to gain with ‘least ugly’ status.

Canadian dollar

The Canadian dollar is in a free-fall with weak oil, and gold prices, plus the recent rate cut.  RSI at 17.94, very oversold.

US bonds

US bonds have been the primary go to safe-haven target.  Some selling over the last 2-days after being massively overbought.


Gold struggles to gain safe-haven status with profit taking and a strong $US. Also, in market sell-off investors are selling everything to cover losses.


The Saudi-Russia standoff is more likely an attempt to hit the US shale producers.  Whatever the root cause, oil prices continues to struggle. Watch for some serious debt problems in the US energy sector as a result.

Over the last few weeks our hedging service Trend Technical Trader has had some phenomenal returns, not just protecting subscribers against losses, but making terrific gains. If you want to profit from a potential serious stock market decline, then seriously consider subscribing to our Trend Technical Trader (TTT) service. TTT is primarily a hedging service designed to profit during market declines.

If interested, you can subscribe for only $399.95, a $250 discount off the regular price

Click here to subscribe at this special rate

Stay tuned!

How else can we train the brain?

The human brain has often been likened to a computer, in that it will receive input, process that input, and yield an output. That is a simplistic analogy to start with, but if we add in the brain’s ability to “learn” from every interaction and intervention then we get a better sense of what our brain is truly capable of.  We have computers that also “learn” as they go along and we label that as “Artificial Intelligence” – the computer trying to do what the brain already does.

We can externally observe and map brain activity, and we can also theorize about brain synapses being electrically fired, allowing us to think, to process, to feel, to do all those things the brain is in control of.  Most of our muscles can be directly controlled by our brain; we just think about lifting our legs to climb stairs and our leg muscles obey. Other muscles can be indirectly controlled by the brain, even though they will continue to function without any thinking required, such as our heart and diaphragm. We can decide to breathe deeper or hold our breath for a time, and fear can cause our heart rate to increase, but these are indirect and/or temporary brain interventions.

Training our brain is happening all through our life, as we learn to cope with the world we live in. We learn from those around us; parents, siblings, friends, co-workers, and all of that learning is accomplished using all of our senses.  Our five senses provide input to the brain, and we process our inputs, learning how to survive, improve, and generally progress. There is one sense that is dominant in our physical activities and reactions – vision – which contributes 80-90% of total input. Neuroscience research is positing that by improving vision input to the brain, the brain can respond in beneficial ways. We all know that success in some aspects of our lives can come down to a matter of millimeters and/or micro-seconds, especially in sports at the elite level.

There are several aspects to vision, and what we know most about is acuity, the ability to see things clearly, and we also know that acuity can be improved with aids like contact lenses and glasses.  But beyond acuity is what our brains can do with vision inputs, things like hand-eye coordination, visual tracking and spatial awareness for good decision making. Neuroscientists can work with behavioral optometrists to train for improved athletic performance by providing specific exercises for the eyes. The job of the eyes is to transmit visual data to the brain, allowing the brain to process the data quickly and then tell the eye where to look next. Specific eye exercises can be designed to calibrate the eyes to move around as fast as possible to the next target, consistent with the brain’s understanding of the visual data just received and integrated with all other sensory inputs, like sound and touch. The brain can process images that the eye sees for as little as 13 milliseconds, so training the brain with vision improvement exercises has great potential for improving overall athletic performance, when millimeters and milliseconds can mean the Gold Medal, instead of Silver or Bronze.

There are at least 10 vision skills used in daily activities, and below are seven of the most important for transmitting accurate and useful vision data to the brain, where that data needs to be processed quickly and precisely.

The brain can be trained to respond in the most beneficial way for every situation, given that the received visual data is of a very high quality. Achieving that high quality is what specific eye exercises are designed to promote.

The seven most important visual skills needed to achieve high athletic performance:

  • Eye Movement: first step is to have both eyes move in synch
  • Colour Perception: to determine friend or foe, or slow down / speed up
  • Alignment: both eyes working together for accurate target tracking
  • Depth Perception: precise location of targets in 3D space
  • Peripheral Vision and Awareness: seeing targets at the outer edges of your visual range
  • Focus: sustained in-focus binocular vision for moving targets
  • Visual Perception: being highly aware of everything in your visual field

The bottom line is that human athletic performance can be enhanced and optimized by developing and training the eye to be a high performance organ. Coupled with personalized, appropriate brain response training, individuals can see their eyes as not only a window to the soul, but a window to the brain and a higher success rate.

Trend Disruptors is monitoring these scientific developments and technologies, and will identify relevant investment opportunities to lead the well informed investor to success.

Stay tuned …


Why Every Investor Should Understand Hedging

Hedging is an essential strategy that every investor should know. It’s not just about growing your portfolio—it’s about protecting it. Even if you’re a beginner, learning to hedge can help safeguard your investments from market downturns.

Think of hedging as insurance. Just like homeowner’s insurance protects against unexpected disasters, hedging shields your portfolio from market volatility. While it won’t prevent losses entirely, it can significantly reduce the impact when the market takes a hit.

Risk is inherent in investing. Regardless of your investment style, understanding hedging strategies gives you an edge in protecting your wealth.

Hedging for Profit, Not Just Protection

While most hedging strategies focus on limiting losses, Trend Technical Trader (TTT) takes it a step further. Market cycles are inevitable, and our goal is to profit from those cycles—not just survive them.

TTT is designed to generate gains during stock market declines. The bigger the drop, the greater the potential returns. Our mission is to help serious investors avoid devastating losses and position themselves for the next major buying opportunity.

In fact, with the right approach, it’s possible to make money during a market downturn, not just minimize losses. Carefully chosen positions can even stay flat or rise when markets collapse.

Beyond Hedging: Profiting in Any Market

Trend Technical Trader isn’t just about protecting against market crashes—we’ve delivered exceptional gains in bullish trends, too. Whether it’s stocks, gold, oil, or currencies, we follow the most compelling opportunities at the right time.

Our Gold Timing Indicator (GTI), for example, has outperformed any other model we’ve seen.

The Power of Timing

Relying solely on fundamentals can be risky. Many investors overlook how outdated corporate reports are or how creative accounting can distort reality. That’s why we believe in combining fundamental, technical, and sentiment analysis to refine market timing.

Our timing indicators are valuable for any investor—whether you follow your own ideas or use other stock-picking services. Knowing when to buy and sell can make all the difference in maximizing your returns.

Don’t just watch the market react – prepare for it. Now