Gold update

Gold gave up another 17.60 on Monday, as it struggles to gain any traction here. Gold has been in a downtrend channel since August and we need to see it break out of the tight trading range it has been in this month. Based on the Relative Strength Index (RSI) gold is not oversold at this point (RSI is highlighted at the bottom of the chart).

Subscribers to the Trend Letter are presented with our various Forecast Models, which are dynamic and are updated at the end of each week. Our Forecast Models calculate both bull and bear scenarios. Below is the updated Model Forecast for gold which was sent to subscribers Sunday.

• In both scenarios there is an immediate decline to the 1640 range, then a rally to 1800 by the end of April.
• The bullish scenario sees a decline to 1640, then a rally up to 1940 by June
• The bearish scenario would see a decline to 1640, then a rally to 1800, which would be the high, and then see a prolonged decline into early 2022

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Since start-up in 2002 Trend Letter has provided investors with a great track record, giving exceptionally accurate information about where the markets are going, and it has explained in clear, concise language the reasons why. Using unique and comprehensive tools, Trend Letter gives investors a true edge in understanding current market conditions and shows investors how to generate and retain wealth in today’s climate of extreme market volatility.

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