We have written before about the use and great potential of CRISPR, the gene editing tool that can be used to alter genes in beneficial ways. The technology can enable the editing of DNA sequences in human genes, aiming to improve the human condition, such as eliminating difficult diseases like cystic fibrosis and cancer.

CRISPR stands for “Clusters of Regularly Interspaced Short Palendromic Repeats” and acts like a pair of scissors to efficiently and accurately edit a gene sequence. The technology has been with us since 2017 and has sparked debate about the ethics of altering DNA, as there is ongoing resistance to genetically modified foods (GMO’s) believing that DNA modification is unnatural and therefore unhealthy. When it comes to disease eradication and control, CRISPR has the potential to deliver major victories, and may succeed in winning the ethics debates.

One of the latest CRISPR developments is the blocking of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in infected human cells. This has been accomplished by Australian researchers in a lab setting and they may soon be starting animal trials.  The researchers have published a detailed article in the journal “Nature Communications

The Australian team has used the CRISPR-Cas13b enzyme, binding it to the relevant RNA sequences on the novel coronavirus, which degrades the genome it needs to replicate inside human cells. The team had designed their CRISPR tool to recognize SARS-C0v-2, the virus responsible for Covid-19 disease. They say that once the virus is recognized, the CRISPR enzyme is activated and chops up the virus. The team targeted several parts of the virus, some that are stable and some that are highly changeable. This technique also succeeded in stopping viral replication in samples of variants of concern. This development holds the promise of an effective treatment for Covid-19, as well as curbing the spread of the virus and its mutations.

As we work our way through the Covid-19 pandemic, scientists discover more and more ways to fight the disease and prevent it. Effective treatments are still relatively scarce, but effective vaccines are a current reality and are not scarce in many countries. Our trust in science and technology is being challenged and eroded by misinformation every day, however, the promise and reality of human lives being saved and diseases being eradicated may serve to restore trust.  CRISPR technology may have what it takes to deliver solid benefits and contribute to the betterment of the human condition worldwide.

The aim of TREND DISRUPTORS is to discover, explore, and monitor scientific and technical developments, looking for the best ideas, so that we can publish useful, actionable, investment recommendations for our subscribers. Our stock recommendations are generally speculative in nature, and we advise caution, discretion, and thorough research. TREND DISRUPTORS works hard to identify investment opportunities that can lead to success for the well informed investor.

Stay tuned !

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Market update July 19/21

Rising concerns about inflation and the resurgence of COVID-19 infections hammered Wall Street on Monday, with major benchmarks suffering their worst declines since May, even as quarterly earnings continue to reflect a strengthening economic rebound.

Fears about broadly rising coronavirus cases drove the Nasdaq and S&P 500 to their biggest drop in nearly two months, and sent benchmark yields to their largest decline in over 3 months as investors sought shelter from the uncertainty. The Dow’s 725 point drop (-2.09%) was its worst since October 2020.

Adding to the market woes was the story in Reuters that Johnson & Johnson may be filing for bankruptcy due to the ongoing crisis of their baby powder containing asbestos.

The S&P 500 dropped 68.67 points or 1.59%. We want to see if the 50-DMA holds (red wavy line ) at 4240. After that, the next support level is 4163 (green horizontal line).

The Toronto stock exchange was down 259.09 points or 1.30%. Note that the Canadian index has now fallen through its 50-DMA. Next support level is 19,200.

Gold was down 5.80 today and has dropped back into its downtrend channel.  Next support level is 1760.

Bonds continued to rise, meaning yields decline. Here is the updated chart that we have been showing our paid subscribers. Most investors pay no attention to bonds and that is a mistake. We can see that yields are in a downtrend channel, with a series of lower highs and lower lows (red arrows).

With currencies, the $US and Japanese Yen tend to act as ‘safe haven’ currencies, and that is what we have been seeing as equity markets sell-off.

The $US has been on a nice run since the end of May and weakness in the equities usually means capital flows into the $US.

The Yen had been on a long downtrend since the start of the year, but has broken out in the last couple of weeks.

The Canadian dollar was the strongest major currency in the world for most of the last year. As we saw it starting to peak in May, we repeatedly recommended that Canadian subscribers convert some $CAD to $USD. Hopefully, they did.

Note:  both our Trend Technical Trader and Trend Letter services have been warning of a coming correction in the equity markets, and have provided subscribers with hedging strategies that will protect them in a downtrend. Protecting your assets in a violent downtrend allows prudent investors to be in a solid cash position that will give them the buying power to acquire targeted stocks at greatly reduced prices. .

If you are not a subscriber but would like to be,  see below for some great Special Offers on all our services.

 Trend Letter:
Since start-up in 2002 Trend Letter has provided investors with a great track record, giving exceptionally accurate information about where the markets are going, and it has explained in clear, concise language the reasons why. Using unique and comprehensive tools, Trend Letter gives investors a true edge in understanding current market conditions and shows investors how to generate and retain wealth in today’s climate of extreme market volatility.

A weekly publication covering global bonds, currencies, equities, commodities, & precious metals. Over the 20 years Trend Letter has been published, it has achieved an incredible average return of 65% on its closed trades.

Timer Digest says“Trend Letter has been a Timer Digest top performer in our Bond and Gold categories, along with competitive performance for the intermediate-term Stock category.”

Technical Trader:
Trend Technical Trader (TTT) is a premier trading & hedging service, designed to profit in both up and down markets. Included is our proprietary Gold Technical Indicator (GTI).

TTT had another excellent year in 2020 averaging +27.3% per closed trade with an average holding time of 9.5 weeks, or +149% annualized overall.

Over the past 5 years TTT’s closed trades have averaged +40% annualized.

Trend Disruptors:
Disruptive technology trends will propel our future and the reality is that no industry will go untouched by this digital transformation. At the root of this transformation is the blurring of boundaries between the physical and virtual worlds. As digital business integrates these worlds through emerging and strategic technologies, entirely new business models are created.

Trend Disruptors is a service for investors seeking to invest in advanced, often unproven technology stocks on the cheap, with the objective to sell them when masses finally catch on. Covering Artificial Intelligence (AI), Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), 5G, Quantum Computing & many more.

Trend Disruptors has realized average annualized gains of 178% over its 3 years of service.

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Technical Trader$649.95$324.95$325Trend Technical Trader $324.95
Trend Disruptors$599.95$299.95$300Trend Disruptors $299.95
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Trend Letter + Technical Trader$1,249.90$524.95$724.95Trend Letter + Technical Trader $524.95
Trend Letter + Trend Disruptors$1,199.90$503.95$695.95Trend Letter + Technical Trader $503.95
Technical Trader + Trend Disruptors$1,249.90$524.955$724.95Trend Disruptors + Technical Trader $524.95
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Trend Suite: Trend Letter + Technical Trader + Trend Disruptors$1,849.85$610.45$1,239.40Trend Suite TL =TTT + TD $610.45


Market Notes

Market update – July 7/21

The S&P 500 index set another new record high today.

Trading volume has exploded since the pandemic lockdowns and government handouts, and the explosion on volumes is being driven by retail investors.  Note the rise in 2020, and then already in 2021, with only half the year in the books, volume is on pace to be 126% higher than 2020.

Clearly, not all investors are trying to beat the market. According to S&P Dow Jones Indicesat the end of 2008 during the financial crisis, there was just $915 billion worth of assets indexed to the S&P 500. As passive investing has become increasingly popular, assets indexed to the S&P nearly sextupled (+493%) to $5.4 trillion in 2020.

A warning signal? While the S&P 500 keeps making new highs, the number of individual stocks hitting new highs each day has been decreasing recently. The following chart shows that only 48.7% of S&P 500 stocks are trading above their 50-day moving average, down from the record high of 93% in mid April. So while the S&P 500 (gray shaded area) sets new records, less than half of the stock in that index are following that trend.

When we get this combination, it’s tends to suggest that we are closer to a top than a bottom, and that some form of sell-off is likely in the near future.

The Canadian TSX hit a new high yesterday, just down slightly today.

The $US made a new rally high today.

With $US strength, most other currencies are struggling, and the $CAD is no exception. After being the strongest major currency in the world the past year, the Loonie just fell below near-term support.

While stocks have kept rising on expectations of the economy growing post pandemic, the bond market is seeing things a little differently. Bonds have been rising, meaning yields dropping, telling us that the much bigger bond market is expecting slower growth than the equity markets are expecting.

The price of oil took a hit, based on $US strength and concerns after OPEC+ cancelled talks with no resolution.

Full update on all sectors in Sunday’s issue of  the Trend Letter. 

Stay tuned!

If you are not a subscriber but would like to be,  see below for some great Special Offers on all our services.

 Trend Letter:
Since start-up in 2002 Trend Letter has provided investors with a great track record, giving exceptionally accurate information about where the markets are going, and it has explained in clear, concise language the reasons why. Using unique and comprehensive tools, Trend Letter gives investors a true edge in understanding current market conditions and shows investors how to generate and retain wealth in today’s climate of extreme market volatility.

A weekly publication covering global bonds, currencies, equities, commodities, & precious metals. Over the 20 years Trend Letter has been published, it has achieved an incredible average return of 65% on its closed trades.

Timer Digest says“Trend Letter has been a Timer Digest top performer in our Bond and Gold categories, along with competitive performance for the intermediate-term Stock category.”

Technical Trader:
Trend Technical Trader (TTT) is a premier trading service, designed to profit in both up and down markets. Included is our proprietary Gold Technical Indicator (GTI).

TTT had another excellent year in 2020 averaging +27.3% per closed trade with an average holding time of 9.5 weeks, or +149% annualized overall.

Over the past 5 years TTT’s closed trades have averaged +40% annualized.

Trend Disruptors:
Disruptive technology trends will propel our future and the reality is that no industry will go untouched by this digital transformation. At the root of this transformation is the blurring of boundaries between the physical and virtual worlds. As digital business integrates these worlds through emerging and strategic technologies, entirely new business models are created.

Trend Disruptors is a service for investors seeking to invest in advanced, often unproven technology stocks on the cheap, with the objective to sell them when masses finally catch on. Covering Artificial Intelligence (AI), Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), 5G, Quantum Computing & many more.

Trend Disruptors has realized average annualized gains of 178% over its 3 years of service.

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Technical Trader$649.95$399.95$250
Trend Disruptors$599.95$399.95$200
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Trend Letter + Technical Trader$1249.90$599.95$649.95
Trend Letter + Trend Disruptors$1199.90$599.95$599.95
Technical Trader + Trend Disruptors$1249.90$599.95$649.95
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Trend Suite: Trend Letter + Technical Trader + Trend Disruptors$1849.85$799.95$1,049.90